Installing odoo on turnkeylinux on proxmox ve

Mr. Sonnie Ardhianto
4 min readJan 16, 2024


This article was written on 15-Jan-24.
Most probably because turnkeylinux installation is run in background, then it is not immediately clear what to do next. That is why I write this article.

This article is only as testing purposes not for production.
You should follow odoo installation guide for production uses.

Proxmox VE running (which implies you have hardware already).
Adequate storage space for odoo (I use 50 GB).
And of course an adequate internet connection and bandwidth.

Open your proxmox console and go to your local LVM.

Downloading linux container template

Open CT Templates — Templates.
Yes, we will be using Linux Container — which in someway resembles Docker efficiency.
Search for “odoo”, select “turnkey-odoo” and press download.

Downloading odoo tkl template

Once finished downloading, it will show as CT template.

turnkey odoo template

Creating Container
Press “create CT” button.

Creating Linux Container

Give hostname and most importantly do not forget your password.
This is the root user password which we are going to use in configuring odoo.

Configuring CT

Choose the odoo template.

Using odoo CT template

I use 50GB of storage.

50 GB storage

x2 CPU cores should be enough just for x1 user testing.

x2 CPU cores

and for God sake, be generous with Memory allocation.

Memory allocation

Setup your IP.

Setting up IP address

Configure DNS.

Defining DNS

Check configuration and press Finish.

Finishing CT configuration

Wait for a while until it shows “TASK OK”

CT creation is finished

Running odoo CT.
From your proxmox console, start your container.

Starting LCT
odoo container is running

At this stage, I am clueless on what to do. There is no clear indication in turnkeylinux odoo page.
And all services are actually already running well, even you can try to login using your web browser.

But it turns out that you need to open the console.

odoo CT console

Login using root and the password that you specify earlier.
You are then presented with first boot configuration.

password for postgres
password for admin
Optional setting up backup, DNS
  • please note that we can do backup using proxmox backup.
Optional routing email notification
(Recommended) Updating Debian security
Need reboot, but I chose skip
Finally, configuration is finished
Select Advanced then Reboot

Once server is running again, open your browser to your odoo server IP.
Press accept the risk and continue as we do not have an SSL certificate (I am using Firefox).

odoo login screen
Login using admin and your admin password
odoo finally opened

Wow, so finally we can open odoo interface.
Are we finished?

Wait, what is that “upgrade” button?

Well, it turns out it is another story and another article … stay tuned !
In the meantime, you can install modules that are available to install.
Enjoy your odoo!



Mr. Sonnie Ardhianto
Mr. Sonnie Ardhianto

Written by Mr. Sonnie Ardhianto

A stoned monkey randomly typing on keyboard

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